Friday, May 15, 2009

Letting Go of an Isaac

When it comes to love. We hardly find ourselves either winning or loosing. But either way, we must understand love and it's real definition.

Someone told me that ¨Being in love, in a relationship, it´s just a different reality; not necessarily a better reality (compared to being alone), but just a different one.¨

I didn't agree. I still don't.

Another one told me, ¨You should only be with someone, if being in love with that person makes you happier than when you are alone.¨ Words I agreed more.

If I followed the words of the former, I would be easily satisfied. Because the expectations from a loving relationship would be not much different from a life alone.

Unfortunately, my vision of love is closer to the latter. Hence, I'm more demanding in love. I didn't need someone to make me happy, being alone with God is satisfying enough for me. But if falling in love could make me happier; it is something I cannot control; His happiness will become more important than mine..then love continues.
Love that would drive me to satisfy the other. Naturally; passionately; unrelenting; without holding back; that could make his happiness more important than mine. His priorities higher than mine.

But somehow or rather, love eventually fails. Blameless, we move on with our own lives. In this sense, love becomes like just another part of reality that is no different from the reality of being alone.

But I wonder; How could an emotion so powerful, so compelling, be at the same time so fragile?

Letting Go when love fails ..

As no one is more responsible than the other when love arises, no one is more to be blamed when it dies; it is what it is.

Instead of remaining bitter and assign blame to the other when love dies, it is better to hold on to the good things that happened between each other in the name of love, and continue to let oneself evolve; continue to let good things happen in the name of love.

What's more, it's the hurt and disappointments in life that teaches us the most.

Letting go of a very compelling love, truest to its form but untimely..

It's excruciating. It's agonizing. I compared it to having the Isaac of our lives laid and offered to God. A burnt offering with an aroma that says, "God, I love you more than me. I love you more than this." It is having our faith work as we wait.

The bible teaches us not to awaken love until it so desires. The fear of loosing it shall not be magnified. True love doesnt have to fear, for perfect love drives away fear.

The sweetest part of it, is about us learning to TRUST. Us learning to hope. Us learning to have God's way in us. Us finding love to it's truest form. A love that captures is a love that is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

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