Friday, May 22, 2009

Brain Bug Thursday.

(May 09, 2009)

It's Thursday....


and today is Friday.. (getting mixed up already)

Well, I don't know.. my mind is empty really... void actually cause I'm waiting for something to hit me..

*Have you ever done something intentionally that you know the consequences would hunt you down afterward? And so you wait and expect for something bad to happen anytime soon.

Maybe a flat tire.. or maybe a series of unfortunate (for lack of better terms) events.. or maybe something you've been praying for the longest time to turn out not as you've expected.

Disappointment.. i found this very common to any human. I even get to be disappointed by my own self especially those decisions i made when caught "off-guard."

"The frailty of our own sinful humanness is a heavy burden."

- Mark Conner

As I sit and wonder on how God has been so naive of this disappointing human nature, on how sinful man can get.. on how incapable we are at times to overcome temptation, I was able to see and ponder and all the more appreciate His being. His love for us and His Grace.

Since I was a kid, I would always wait and expect God to punish me whenever I did something wrong. And since then, God is giving me the opposite. He all the more shows me love. He all the more makes me feel welcome, that no matter how disappointed I am with myself, He is enough to make me feel justified. He uses His kindness to lure me back.

"For those who feel their lives are a grave disappointment to God, it requires enormous trust and reckless, raging confidence to accept that the love of Christ knows no shadow of alteration or change."

- Mark Conner

Yes , Grace is the antidote of disappointment which is freely given to us... But I believe Grace must always be accompanied with TRUTH.

"Grace comes in response to a repentant heart. Truth means that there will still be consequences for his actions and reconciliation to be worked towards.."

- Mark Conner

As grace is given freely to us, it should not be abused. God, is Forgiving yet on the other side is Holy that He will not allow sin to thrive in our lives. He gives us grace whenever we fall but He also disciplines. God cleanses His house. He cleanses His people. But this will happen only if we will allow God to identify and point on those character, attitude and habit he wanted to eliminate in us.

"I've been counting up all my wrongs
One sorry for each star
See I'd apologize my way to you
If the heavens stretched that far"

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