Friday, February 6, 2009

Estoy Ocupado.


I’m getting myself loaded with a lot of things lately. Off to meeting interesting people and group every night plus, equipping myself as much as possible in any ways.

1. My Spanish class will be starting soon. I enrolled at Berlitz Language School andddd yesss I am looking forward to it.
     *Classes will be on Mondays and Wednesdays.

2. I’m still working on my visa.. hahaha.. still, I haven’t started anything in processing any requirements needed. ;( This one I guess would keep me busy for a couple of months too.
3. I volunteered to work on “something” really fun for my weekends. Of course I’d love to spend my weekends at the beach but this one sounds very interesting so I decided to take a plunge! Of course I’m not leaving behind my weekly commitment to the church. Therefore, my Mondays and Wednesdays are occupied. My Thursdays will be for Uncle Moe’s. Weekends to be more likely busy too.
4. Who said cooking, cleaning the house and laundry are boring activities? I guess, to somebody who is JUST LEARNING (ehem), it sounds so exciting! Hahaha.. Yep,, it started last week- I began doing these things.. (Moot point for my sister tho). LOL But im happy I am learning to do these things.
5. My healthy lifestyle is close to hitting its goal too. Jogging every morning is fun and since jogging will give u a good start keeping your eyes popped open; and your morning sweat will keep you really warm -a daily dose of God’s word will definitely set yourself “naturally high”.
Eso termina la lista de mi semana de rutinas regulares.
*Translation: That completes my week’s list of regular routines!!

PS. From now on, i will call my Thursdays, Brain Bug Thursday.. a day to debug, unload and speak my mind! :D 

Till next time!

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