Friday, May 15, 2009

The Power of Witheld Power

July 23, 2008

There will be times when God will allow trial, complaint, and maybe False accusation to come into your life. At that moment, God will take His lamp and put it to your spirit.

You may be stronger and have more power and influence than the accuser. You may be able to crush him/her. But God knows that who you are under pressure is who you are. God wants to see if you've got the right spirit in the face of adversity. God wants to know if you are able to "bless those who curse you and pray for those who spitefully use you" (Luke 6:28)

It is in times of pressure, times of crisis, that your real spirit will come out.

You may not be perfect. YOU MAY MESS UP. You may do things wrong. But God always goes beneath the surface to illuminate our spirits, saying in effect, " I want to see how much light you're putting off by your spirit." No matter what happens to your life; no matter who hurts you, no matter who cuts you off, undermines you, you need to have God's spirit, not bitter, unforgiving, and angry spirit. You must have the Spirit of Jesus. Jesus, have all the chance to get back to His enemies in all His might but He chose to put off the light of His power, and in the end became a BLINDING LIGHT.


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