[I know I haven't blog much lately but i will try my best to write again.]
This post is suppose to be for my birthday last April 07. However I got plenty of things to do that time. April is my birthday month so it's not late to blog yet. :)
I just turned Twenty-four | 24 | Veinticuatro. I can't believe I've reached this age already. When i was young, i used to think forward and wonder how fascinating life is at 24. You know like that movie, 13 going 30. I am pretty much that girl who likes to see in advance how life would turn out to be at a certain age.
I know I'm not old yet but I'm glad I've reached this age matured enough to say, "I am aging gracefully and I still feel young."
At 24,
I've learned a lot- from books to living this life.
I've experienced life, the best and the worst it could offer.
I can say time is making me age with wisdom.
I was able to fill my time with worthy things to do.
As I wait to have every chapter of my life unfolds, I will humble and patient. For I know that God's promises were fulfilled just right, exactly like how the scripture describes it..
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"
Ecclesiastes 3:1
I am surrounded with authentic friends and a loving family. They alone, make me smile. God is using them to make me feel how much He loves me.
Of all the blessings I received from last year, there's one wonderful addition to these long list of people I'm glad I've met and I will always thank God for.
His name is PJ. [ of course that includes his entire family]
He is a promise fulfilled to me and he will always be my close-encounter to a beautiful soul. My boyfriend and best friend. His love is worth the wait, the tears and the pain I experienced before. He made me forget I ever waited. :)
"Restless in bed and sleepless through the night, I longed for my lover.
I wanted him desperately. His absence was painful.
So I got up, went out and roved the city,
hunting through streets and down alleys.
I wanted my lover in the worst way!
I looked high and low, and didn't find him.
And then the night watchmen found me
as they patrolled the darkened city.
"Have you seen my dear lost love?" I asked.
No sooner had I left them than I found him,
found my dear [lost] love.
I threw my arms around him and held him tight,
wouldn't let him go until I had him home,
safe at home beside the fire."
Song of Songs 3:1-4
I'm having so much fun that I never notice I am aging. Last year was a year full of learnings, abundance and promises fulfilled. All of it paved way to a very exciting year to look forward to this whole new chapter ahead of me. I am so grateful that God has been faithful to me. Tho we are unfaithful, He constantly reminds us how He values and treasures us.
His Love will always be my fuel to live. He is truly the author of the Life I've always wanted. I won't ask for more. I will remain in awe with the way He executes His wonderful and purposeful plans in my life.