Thursday, June 4, 2009

Brain Bug Thursday.

Thursday again. It's BBT time.
Today's BBT is about my week's:


1. I have phobia in going to hospitals. It gives me nausea seeing stretchers, wheel chairs, doctors and stuff.
Hassle that last Tuesday i had to go to Makati Med's ER to have myself examined for chicken pox, all by myself.
2. I was quarantined but it turns out that it wasn't chicken pox. I still have mild fever tho.
Hassle i had to stay home.
3. I've been eating a lot these days.
Hassle that i'm getting used to live with my junks.

4. My bag is mistreating me. It's bag attack.
Hassle that i have to get a lot of this-----

5. My Ipod Headset loves swimming in my coffee cup.

                                      Hassle.. hassle lang.. hahaha..

Sometimes,, I have to NOT CARE in order for me to keep my sanity...

"Hassle will be hassle if you'll let them hassle with you."- Nyenye

With all of this.. i still smile..because i choose not to be hassled. hahaha..

Im sick but im happy :)

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